Q1 What is your opinion of our health screening clinic appointments (Asthma/Diabetes/Heart Disease Clinics)?


Results chart

Q2 How would you prefer to be offered these appointments?


Results chart

Q3 What do you think the implications are for not having regular reviews for conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease prevention etc?


Results chart

Q4 Generally, how do you like to source health information that you feel is relevant to you?


Results chart

Q5 How do you think we can encourage frequent non-attenders to keep their appointments, bearing in mind we try as much as we can to offer appointments considering the demographics of the patient (age/address etc)?

Q6 On a scale of 1 to 5 would embarrassment put you off coming to see a clinician (1 = not embarrassed, 5 = too embarrassed)?


Results chart

Q7 If you have answered 5 above, how can the surgery make the experience easier for you?

Q8 Thinking of your last consultation (with doctor or nurse), how do you feel it went (tick all that apply)?


Q9 Are you aware of the surgery Newsletter which is issued twice a year?


Results chart

Q10 Please indicate your preference for topic of next questionnaire?


Results chart