Q1. Thinking of the times when you are willing to see any doctor. How quickly do you usually get seen?


Results chart

Q2. If you weren't able to be seen during the next 2 weekdays that the GP or Health Centre was open, why was that?


Results chart

Q3. In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following?

a) Getting through on the phone


Results chart

b) Speaking to a doctor on the phone


Results chart

c) Speaking to a nurse on the phone


Results chart

d) Obtaining test results by phone


Results chart

Q4. How helpful do you find the receptionists at the Surgery?


Results chart

Q5. How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen?


Results chart

Q6. How satisfied are you with the opening hours at the Surgery?


Results chart

Q7. As far as you know is the Surgery open ...

Before 8 am?


Results chart

At Lunchtime?


Results chart

After 6.30pm?


Results chart

On Saturdays?


Results chart

On Sundays?


Results chart

Q8. Would you like the Surgery open at additional times?


Results chart

Q9. The last time you saw a GP at the Surgery how helpful was the doctor at each of the following?

a) Giving you enough time


Results chart

b) Asking about your symptoms


Results chart

c) Listening


Results chart

d) Explaining tests and treatments


Results chart

e) Involving you in decisions about your care


Results chart

f) Treating you with care and concern


Results chart

g) Taking your problems seriously


Results chart

Q10. Did you have confidence and trust in the doctor you saw?


Results chart

Q11. How easy is it for you to get an appointment with a practice nurse at the Surgery?


Results chart

Q12. Last time you saw a practice nurse at the Surgery, how good did you find the practice nurse at each of the following?

a) Giving you enough time


Results chart

b) Asking about your symptoms


Results chart

c) Listening


Results chart

d) Explaining tests and treatments


Results chart

e) Involving you in decisions about your care


Results chart

f) Treating you with care and concern


Results chart

g) Taking your problems seriously


Results chart

Q13. In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get at the Surgery?


Results chart

Q14. If you use your own transport to travel to the Surgery how easy is it to park?


Results chart

Q15. How would you describe the overall cleanliness of the Surgery?


Results chart

Some Questions about you:

Q16. Are you male of female?


Results chart

Q17. How old are you?


Results chart

Q18. Which of these best describes what you are doing at present?


Results chart

Q19. Please say which ethnic group you feel you belong to?

Please tick one box:

A. White


Results chart

B. Mixed/multiple ethnic group


Results chart

C. Asian or Asian British


Results chart

D. Black/African/Caribbean/Black British


Results chart

Please use the space below for any comments or suggestions on how we can improve even further: