Patient Survey 2020

Which Surgery do you attend most?


Which other Surgery / Surgeries do you attend?


How easy do you find getting into the building at your most used surgery


If difficult, what is the major problem?

Is information available at the surgery in a format which is suitable for your needs?


If No, What needs to be changed?

How do you normally book your appointments to see a doctor or nurse at the surgery? please tick all which apply


Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book an appointment at the surgery? please tick all which apply


How Satisfied are you with the opening hours at the practice?


How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?


In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get from the Practice Nursing Team?


The last time you saw a GP - How was the GP at the following: Asking about symptoms




Explaining Tests and Treatments


Involving YOU in decisions


Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you last saw?


How Often do you use the practice Website for the following: Booking GP Appointments


Repeat Prescriptions


Check Medical Records


Send Secure Messages


Obtain Health Information


Check Services Available


If 'Never' What is the main reason?

If 'Less Frequency than monthly' What would encourage you to use it more?

Which of these additional services have you used and / or aware of? Physiotherapy


Musculoskeletal Clinic


Telephone Appointments




Extended Access Services


Has you awareness of your Health and actions required to maintain it, improved over the last 12 months.


If Yes, what actions have you taken. Regular Weight Checks


Changed Diet


Reduced Alcohol


Reduced Smoking


Regular Blood Pressure Checks


More Exercise


In general, how satisfied are you with the care you receive at the practice?


What is the key change required to improve your over satisfaction?

Are you a registered Carer?