
Dear Patient,

We would very much like your views on your experiences in using our appointment system. We have made several changes and improvements to the system in 2018/2019 and hope this questionnaire reflects the positive change we as a Practice have seen.

Please take a few minutes to answer this survey. This survey is available in paper form for patients attending the surgery and in electronic form on our Practice website ( for any patient of Bath Row Medical Practice to complete. Please answer all questions and return the completed form to the Practice as soon as possible.

Q1: How do you normally book your appointments at this surgery?


Q2: How easy is it to get through to the Practice via the telephone?


Q3: How satisfied are you with the general practice appointment times that are available to you?


Q4: How often do you see or speak to your preferred GP when you would like to?


Q5: When you last booked an appointment, were you offered a choice of appointment or location?

This could be a choice of place (e.g. Walk-in-centre or federation hub), time or healthcare professional.


Q6: Were you satisfied with the type of appointment (or appointments) you were offered?


Q7: If you answered “No, and I did not take an appointment” to Q6 please explain why you did not take an appointment:

Q8: Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?


Thank you for taking time to answer the questions on this survey. Your answers will help us make improvements to our appointment system.