Appointment System Patient Questionnaire
Dear Patients,
We are currently reviewing our appointment system and would like to know what is working well with the current system and what things patients feel need improving. Please could you spend a few minutes answering the questions below? We will collate all response and display them on our website in due course. With Many Thanks, The White House Surgery
How do you currently book your appointments?
If you would like to book your appointments online, please ask at reception for more information
Before booking an appointment, do you do any of the following?
Do you prefer to book your appointments for non-urgent matters on the same day or in advance?
When booking an appointment to see a Doctor, do you mind which Doctor you see?
How often do you get to see or speak to your preferred GP?
What is the best time for you to attend an appointment?
If you have had difficulty trying to book an appointment, what was the reason?
Outside of normal surgery hours, we currently offer pre-bookable appointments on a Thursday/Friday early morning, Saturday morning and evening telephone consultations. Which option do you prefer?
Do you have any other comments/suggestions regarding the appointment system?
Just a few questions about you!
Are you Male or Female?
How old are you?
Which best describes you?
Are you a parent or legal guardian for any child under the age of 16 living in your home?
Are you a carer? (A carer is anyone (adult or child) who looks after a family member, partner of friend who needs help because of illness, frailty, disability, mental health problem or addiction and cannot cope without carer support)
Many thanks for taking the time to share your views with us!