Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The data collected from this survey will be treated in the strictest confidence and will enable us to evaluate the service we currently provide together with helping us to identify areas for possible improvements and further development.
If you would like to receive help to fill in this survey please ask at Reception.
If you cannot attend your appointment it is REALLY IMPORTANT to cancel it so that it can be given to another patient in need.
Please let us know your experience of booking your appointment.
a) How do you normally book your appointments to see a GP or nurse?
b)The last time you telephoned us, did you find it easy to get through on the telephone?
c) How convenient was the appointment you were able to get?
d) Have you used online services such as repeat prescriptions?
If your answer is no, you can ask at reception and they will give you your login details to use the online services.
e) Overall, how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?
f) What do you think of our online services? Please write your views in the box below.
Was your last appointment with a GP or a Nurse Practitioner or a nurse?
How good was that Clinician at each of the following?
a) Giving you enough time
b) Listening to you
c) Explaining tests and treatments
d) Involving you in decisions about your care
e) Treating you with care and concern
f) Did you have confidence and trust in the clinician you saw or spoke to?
g) Did you feel that your needs were met during your last general practice appointment?
If you answered no to this question please specify.
We are open 8.15 am until 6pm weekdays. We are also open during the evening on Thursdays until 8.30pm and in the morning between 7am and 8am on Tuesdays. We often have appointments over the lunchtime period now. If you are not satisfied please let us know your suggestions.
How satisfied are you with the hours that your GP surgery is open?
Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?
The following questions will help us to see how experiences vary between different groups of the population. We will keep your answers completely confidential.
a) Do you have a connection to the University of Huddersfield?
b) Do you suffer from any Mental Health Issues, such as; depression, anxiety, OCD, self-harm etc.
1) Have we offered enough support for you during the last 12 months?
2) How could we improve the support we offer to you?
c) Do you suffer with a long term condition such as diabetes, COPD, PCOS, epilepsy etc?
1) Have we offered enough support for you during the last 12 months?
2) How could we improve the support we offer to you?
d) How would you identify yourself?
e) How old are you?
f) Do you have any accessibility needs? Please let us know if there is anything you need to help you access our services.
a) What do you think we do particularly well? Please tell us as we like compliments and we will carry on doing this.
b) Do you have any suggestions for improvement? We REALLY want to know so that we can ensure our services are constantly improving. If there is something that you think we can do to improve our services we would like to know about it.
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. The answers will be collated and analysed and will help to improve our standards and services. The survey report will be available in Reception and will be published on our website.
Thank you for completing this Questionnaire. We really appreciate it.