1 In the past 12 months how many times have you been seen at the surgery?


Results chart

2 How helpful do you find our surgery receptionists?


Results chart

3 How do you rate our current opening hours, including our evening commuter surgeries?


Results chart

4 Are you registered for our ON-LINE services?


Results chart

4a How do you rate the Online Appointments?


Results chart

4b How do you rate the Online Repeat prescriptions?


Results chart

5 How quickly do you ususally get to be seen ?


Results chart

5a If you need to be seen urgently, can you normally get an appointment on the same day?


Results chart

5b How long do you usually have to wait for your consultation to begin?


Results chart

5c Thinking of the times you have phoned the practice, how do you rate the following:

Ability to get through to the practice on the phone?


Results chart

Ability to speak to a doctor/nurse on the phone when you need medical advice?


Results chart

6 On a scale of 1 - 5 how important to you health and well being was your reason for visiting the doctor / nurse today?

NOT very important


Results chart

VERY important

7 How good was your consultation today at each of the following (please tick one box on each section)

7a Being polite


Results chart

7b Making you feel at ease?


Results chart

7c Listening to you?


Results chart

7d Assessing your medical condition?


Results chart

7e Explaining your condition and treatment?


Results chart

7f Involving you in decisions about your treatment?


Results chart

7g Providing or arranging treatment for you?


Results chart

8 Please decide how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements by ticking one box in each section?

8a Keeps information about me confidential?


Results chart

8b Is honest and trustworth?


Results chart

8c Values continuity of my care by seeing the same doctor?


Results chart

9 I am confident about this surgery's ability to provide care?


Results chart

10 I would be completely happy to be seen again?


Results chart

11 If you answered Poor or a low score to any of the questions, please give a reason

It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself

13 Are you ?


Results chart

14 How old are you?


Results chart

15 Do you have a long-standing health condition or disability?


Results chart

16 What is your ethnic group?


Results chart

17Which of the following best describes you?


Results chart

18 We are interested in any other comments you may have such as anything particularly good about Holbrook Surgery, anything that can be improved or any other comments.

Please write them here

Holbrook Surgery has an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) that helps provide a important communication link between the practice and our patients, supplying information on future plans, healthcare and involvement in patient surveys. If you would like to participate in our PPG please look on the PPG page of this website.