Patient Survey 2017-18
We would be grateful if you would complete this survey about the surgery. Your doctors want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.
Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers.
Thank you.
Our Receptionists
How helpful do you find the receptionists?
How good are the receptionists at the following:
Giving you enough time to explain what you need
Listening to you
Please decide how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:
How do you rate the ability to contact the practice on the telephone?
The last time I spoke to a receptionist on the telephone, they were able to help me with my query
The receptionists are knowledgeable about the services available to me
I feel that my requests are dealt with in a confidential manner at the reception desk
Access to Appointments
When booking your last appointment, did you get to see or speak to the Doctor of your choice?
How long did you have to wait to see or speak to the doctor of your choice?
How do you rate this?
Quality of Care - GP
Thinking of your most recent consultation with a Doctor
How long did you have to wait past your booked doctor's appointment time?
How do you rate this?
How good was the last GP you saw at each of the following?
Giving you enough time
Listening to you
Explaining tests and treatments
Involving you in decisions about your care
Treating you with care and concern
Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?
Quality of Care - Practice Nurse
Thinking of your most recent consultation with a Nurse
How good was the last Nurse you saw at each of the following?
Giving you enough time
Listening to you
Treating you with care and concern
Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?
Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?
Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?
Please tick the methods of communication that you were already aware of:
In your opinion, does the surgery provide enough information about the methods available?
If no, please suggest other ways in which information could be shared with patients.
Our website contains up to date details about the surgery, the services available to patients and lots of other helpful information.
Do you use the website?
Do you find it useful and informative?
Is there a service or any additional information you would like to see added to the website?
Patient Online Services - "Waiting Room 2"
The Waiting Room 2 is the latest version of online patient services which allows patients to book their own appointments without any interaction from practice staff and order prescriptions online. You can now also view part of your detailed medical record.
Are you aware of this new service?
If yes, did you find it useful?
If no, and you wish to use this service - please ask at reception or visit our website (see tab 'The Waiting Room' on the right hand side of the home page) to see how to register. You will need to provide two forms of identity when you register.
The surgery produces newsletters to let patients know important information e.g. details of new doctors, systems and health campaigns. Newsletters are available on the website and in paper form in the surgery for those who do not have internet access.
Have you seen our newsletters?
Do you find them useful and informative?
Do you think the newsletter is issued frequently enough?
Are there any improvements we could make to our newsletters?
Automated Text Reminder System
This service is used to remind patients of their booked appointments via text, this has significantly reduced the amount of missed appointments and enabled the practice to communicate with patients in a more efficient manner.
Have you ever received an appointment reminder via text message?
If yes, did you find this useful?
If no and you wish to sign up for this service please provide reception with your mobile number.
Have you ever received a health campaign text message?
If yes, did you find the message useful?
Did you know that you can opt out of text reminders if you do not wish to receive them?
If you do wish to cancel this service, you need to inform the receptionists.
Extended Services
In addition to our daily clinics, we offer a number of services which includes family planning, minor surgery, smoking cessation, late evening clinics for those patients who are unable to attend during the working week and NHS health checks for patients between the age of 40-74 without a pre-existing chronic disease.
Which of these are you aware of or used?
If you have used any of the above services, how do you rate them?
Are there any other additional services you would like to see in the practice? If so, please detail below.
Finally, please add any other comments you would like to make about the practice below.
Thank you for taking the time to complete our questionnaire