Dear Fellow Patient,

Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey to help our practice understand how its services to you can be improved. Your input via this survey helps us to influence changes to the way services are provided.

Please answer all of the questions using your experience of your latest visit to or contact with the practice.

AJ Beavis - Chair PPG

Please click Submit when you are done.

To enable us to analyse your answers, in the wider context of our practice population, please tell us two things about yourself:

Are you male or female?


Results chart

What age are you?


Results chart

Reception Services

Q1: How helpful overall do you find the reception staff?


Results chart

Q2: Do you have any comments or suggestions on your 'Reception experience' ?

There is an area at the end of this survey for all your comments.


We are now advancing with technology in the practice and have recently replaced our complete telephone system at both surgeries and installed automatic 'booking in' and 'call in' systems in both waiting rooms. This is as well as implementing a text reminder service and providing on-line access to book appointments, order repeat medications and view parts of your medical record.

With this in mind we would value your feedback on how these changes have improved your communication with the practice.

Q3: How easy do you find it to get through to the practice on the new telephone system?


Results chart

Q4: Have you used the self 'booking in' system?


Results chart

If Yes, how easy did you find it to use?


Results chart

Q5: Have you used the on-line service?


Results chart

To book an appointment?


Results chart

To order repeat medication?


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To view parts of your medical record?


Results chart

Q6: If you have used the on-line service did you find it easy to use?


Results chart

Q7: Do you use the text reminder service?


Results chart

(To use the on-line access and text reminder service please get a form from reception)

There is an area at the end of this survey for all your comments.


Q8: Have you used the NHS 111 service for advice or treatment for minor illnesses or injuries?


Results chart

Thank you for completing this survey. Please click on the submit button.