

Results chart

What is your age group


Results chart



Results chart

Would you be willing to provide us with your email address? If you answer "yes" please send details to the practice email which is reception.kaw@nhs.net


Results chart

Can we contact you for updates on your views


Results chart

Have you registered for Online Services


Results chart

If you were encouraged to register which of the following benefits do you think you would use (you may tick more than 1 answer)


Would you contact the chemist if you had a sore throat, flu symptoms, head lice, before contacting the surgery


Results chart

If you answered No to the above question why is that

Would you like to receive more information on self-care


Results chart

What further information would be useful

Do you look at our website


Results chart

Is there any further information you would like to see

Would you be willing to have telephone conversation appointments


Results chart

Is there any other information that would be useful, such as details of Social Services, Diet information etc.