PPG Survey 2016-2017
Which service have you used to book an appointment with your Doctor?
When did you last see a nurse practitioner at the GP Surgery?
When did you last see a Doctor at the GP Surgery?
If you haven't visited the surgery in the last 6 months, what is the reason?
Did you know that you have been allocated a named accountable GP to be responsible for the coordination of appropriate services?
If you have an on-going condition has your Doctor offered further support or explained to you how to get support and help from other services?
Your Patient Participation Group and medical practice team are organising health information and discussion evenings lead by specialist clinicians. Which of the following would interest you?
In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following?
If you have had difficulty with any of the statements in previous question have the reception staff been helpful in advising of alternatives?
Do you go online to access up to date information about health alerts, support services and appointment systems offered by your GP practice?
Do you go into the Patient Information Room to the right of Reception?
Do you use the blood pressure monitor in the Patient Information Room?
Do you get information from the local magazine Chessington Chat?
Do you listen to radio Jackie the local radio station?
Do you get community information from local shops and libraries?
Do you access the facebook site 'South of the Borough?
The following questions will help us see how experiences vary between different groups of the population. We will keep your answers completely confidential? Are you female or male
How old are you?
What is your ethnic group?
Which best describes what you are doing at the moment?