Patient Information Survey

We have an active patient Participation Group. The aim of the group is to ensure that effective communications are established in the Practice for all patients and colleagues. The PPG will be the arena where issues and concerns are raised by patients, in order to influence and develop healthcare services with particular emphasis on the practice.

If you are interested in joining our group, please leave your name and contact details at the bottom of the survey.

We are looking for feedback from patients as to what information they would like to see at the practice. Whether it is at the surgery or on the website.

What Information would you like to be available at the practice? For example Welfare benefits and debt, sexual health, healthy eating etc.

Would you be interested in attending the surgery one evening to listen to a speaker? If so, what subjects would appeal to you?

Are you


What age are you


Which best describes your nationality


If you are interested in joining our Pateint Participation Group, please complete the details below.
Contact Telephone Number:
Email Addess:
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The results are vital in helping the practice to provide relevent information and access for our patients.