Ley Hill Surgery Patient Questionnaire 2016

1. How do you rate the hours that the Practice is open for appointments?


2. How do you normally book your appointments to see a GP or nurse at the practice?


3. How do you rate the ability to get through to the Practice on the phone?


4. How do you rate the ability to book appointments online?


5. Thinking of times when you want to see a doctor for a routine, non-urgent appointment.

a) How soon is the appointment you are offered?


b) Thinking of your answer to the previous question, how do you rate this?


6. If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally be seen the same day?


7. How do you rate the Practice on being able to see the same doctor?


8. How do you rate the way you are treated by the receptionists?


9. Thinking about your consultation with the doctor OR nurse today, how do you rate the following:a) How thoroughly the doctor/nurse asked about your symptoms and listened to how you are feeling?


b) How well the doctor/nurse put you at ease throughout your consultation?


c) How well the doctor/nurse involved you in decisions about your care?


d) How well the doctor explained your problems or any treatment that you need?


10. Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP Surgery?


11. How likely are you to recommend our GP Practice to Friends and Family?


12. Personal Details

a) Are you:


b) How old are you?


13. What do we do well?

14. How can we improve?