Patients' Views of Mill Road and Cherry Hinton Surgeries
This survey and your feedback will help identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are therefore very valuable, the questionnaire is completely confidential and it is impossible for us to identify individual patients
Please answer all the questions that apply to you. There are no wrong or right answers.
Q1.If you have used any of the following services in the past 6 months how easy have you found them?
Getting through on the phone
Speaking to a doctor on the phone
Speaking to a nurse on the phone
Obtaining test results by phone
Booking appointments on line
Using the self checking in screen
Q2. Are you aware that you can request log in details at reception in order to book your GP appointment on-line, via the website?
Q3. The last time you requested an appointment were you able to see a doctor/nurse on the same day, or within the next two working days that the surgery was open?
Q4. Did you have confidence and trust in the doctor/nurse that you saw?
Q5. Are you usually seen on time for your booked appointment?
Q6. How satisfied are you with the service provided by the receptionists?
If not,why?
Q7. Are you aware that if you are not happy with any aspect of the surgery you can speak to the Practice Manager in the first instance and if you are not satisfied with the outcome can raise a formal complaint in writing?
Q8. Are you aware that you can order repeat prescriptions on-line and/or nominate a designated pharmacy collection?
Q9. Did you know that the surgery may be losing a large amount of funding over the next four years due to the nationwide government changes and that services may have to be reduced?
Q10. In the last 12 months have you attended A&E because you could not get an appointment that was suitable to you with the surgery; or because you work closer to the hospital?
Q11. Overall how satisfied are you with the care you get at the surgery?
If not,why?
Q12. Would you recommend the surgery to someone who had just moved to your local area?
Q13. Do you have any suggestions for ways you think the surgery could be improved?
It will help us understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself - we will not use your answers to identify you:
Are you male or female?
What age are you?
In general would you say your health is
Do you have any special requirements, such as hearing loop, language line? please specify
Do you have carer responsibilities for anyone in your household with a long standing health problem or disability?
What best describes your ethnic group?
Thank you for taking the time to help us with this Survey