Patient Participation 2014/15

The x-mas period is a time of high demand on our appointments. Winter illnesses and reduced opening are both factors. Are you happy with our current appointments system over the 2 weeks covering Xmas and New Year?


Results chart

Were you aware of our Xmas opening hours ?


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What kind of appointment is important to you over the Xmas period?


We ran a Saturday Flu clinic in October 2014. Were you aware the clinic was an option ?


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Would you like us to offer the Saturday Flu Clinic again?


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If you used the Saturday Flu clinic, which of the following apply? May select multiple options.


Are you aware we now have self check area where you can check your blood pressure and record lifestyle information?


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If you have used the self-check area did you find it easy to use?


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Have you any suggestions how our self check area may be improved?

Are you aware you can book appointments online?


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Are you aware you can order prescriptions online?


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Are you aware prescriptions can be sent electronically to your chosen pharmacy?


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Have you any suggestions how we can promote awareness of our online services?