When did you last see a Doctor at the GP Surgery?


Results chart

How do you normally book your appointment to see a doctor at the surgery?


Results chart

In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following? Tick easy ones


Have you ever missed an appointment because -


Results chart

How helpful do you find the receptionists at the Surgery?


Results chart

Have you ever had a telephone conversation with a member of the clinical team?


Results chart

Was the clinician able to deal with your problem on the phone?


Results chart

Would you consider making an appointment for a telephone consultation in future?


Results chart

In the past 12 months have you used any other health service? Tick ones you have attended


Are you aware of the emergency weekend Winter Pressure Clinics being run by the CCG form Merritt Medical Centre from November 2014 - March 2015?


Results chart

Would you be prepared to use this service instead of attending A&E?


Results chart

Do you feel the way the surgery provides health information adequate?


Results chart

Are you aware that the surgery has a Patient Participation Group(PPG)?


Are You Male or Female?


Results chart

How old are you?


Results chart

Which of these best describes what you are doing at present? If more than one applies to you, please tick the main one ONLY


Results chart

What is your ethnic group?


Results chart

Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself


Results chart

Which if the following best describes your religion?


Results chart