Patient Reference Group Survey 2013 Communication

Which site do you normally attend?


How we communicate

1. How well do you feel reception staff communication information to you?


2. New information on the practice is often put on the noticeboards in reception, do you ever read them?


3. Are you familiar with our current methods of communication in the practice? (Please tick all that apply)


4. Are you aware that the surgery now has its own website, where you can order prescriptions and cancel appointments?


5. Now that you are aware there is a website, will you use it?


6. Which methods of communication do you feel would be most suitable to inform patients about new services we offer?(Mark as many as apply to you)


7. How easy is it to get through on the telephone system?


What we communicate

8. Are you aware of the following clinics we offer? (Please tick those that you are aware of)


9. Do you understand what each of our clinicains do and how to access appointments for them? (Please tick the ones you understand)


10. Are you aware that the practice has a Patient Reference Group to enable patients to have a say about how we deliver and develop patient services?


11. If you are aware of wider health issues such as the flu campaign or the shingles injections, where do you generally hear about them?


12. Overall, how satisfied are you with the communication from Pelton and Fellrose Medical Group?


13. If you are not happy with any apsects of your treatment at the practice, do you know how to complain?


Any other comments you would like to make about how we communicate with patients?

About you:




