Patients' Views of Mill Road and Cherry Hinton Surgeries
This survey and your feedback will help identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are therefore very valuable, the questionnaire is completely confidential and it is impossible for us to identify individual patients
Please answer all the questions that apply to you. There are no wrong or right answers.
Q1. Do you feel that you are treated with dignity & respect when you attend the practice?
Q2. Do you find the staff helpful?
Q3. How many times in the past twelve months have you attended the practice?
Q4. Are the appointment times at the practice convenient to you?
Q5. How easy is it to get through to the practice via telephone?
Q6. Have you used the internet to book an appointment?
Q7. How easy is it to speak with a doctor or nurse?
Q8. If you need to see a GP urgently are you normally seen on the same day?
Q9. If you were unable to get an urgent appointment on the day, what happened?
Q10. Have you used the extended hours service on a saturday morning, evening or early morning with a GP or nurse?
Q11. Have you self-referred to A&E in the last six months?
Q12. If yes did you self-refer for any of the following critical or life threatening situations?
Q13. How easy is it to book an appointment ahead?
Q14. When you want to see a particular GP how quickly do you usually get seen?
Q15. When you are willing to see any GP how quickly do you usually get seen?
Q16. On your last visit to the practice how long did you wait to be seen, after your appointment time?
Q17.When last visiting your GP were you given enough time?
Q18. When last visiting your GP did he/she listen to you?
Q19. When last visiting your GP did you feel the results regarding tests and treatments were explained?
Q20. When last visiting your GP did you feel involved in the decisions about your care?
Q21.When last visiting your GP did you have confidence and trust in the GP that you saw or spoke to?
Q22. When last visiting the Practice Nurse, did she listen to you and explain tests and treatments?
Q23. When last visiting the practice nurse did you feel you were treated with care and concern?
Q24. How well do you think the Doctor's and Nurse's help you to understand your health problems?
Q25. How well do you think the Doctor's and Nurse's help you to keep yourself healthy?
Your overall satisfaction:
Q26. How would you best describe the overall experience of the Surgery?
Q27. Would you recommend the Surgery to somone who has just moved to the area?
Q28. In your experience of the NHS Services that you have used, what works well?
Q29. In your experience of the of the NHS Services you have used, what works badly?
It will help us understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself - we will not use your answers to identify you:
Are you male or female?
What age are you?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
What best describes your ethnic group?
Thank you for taking the time to help us with this Survey