Dear Patient,

Many thanks for agreeing to take this short survey to help our practice understand how the service we provide can be improved, if at all.

If you are completing this online please answer all of the questions and click 'Send Survey' when you are done. If you are completing this by hand please return it to reception - please note that it is really important to respond to each question.

Q1. To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

a) Are you male or female?


Results chart

b) What age are you?


Results chart

Q2. How do you normally book your appointment to see a doctor or nurse at the surgery?


Results chart

Q3. How satisfied are you with the opening times of the practice?


Results chart

If dissatisfied, what hours would you like to see?

Q4. In the past 6 months how easy have you found the following?

a) Getting though on the phone


Results chart

b) Booking an appointment in advance


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c) Being able to see the doctor you prefer


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d) Speaking to a doctor/nurse on the phone


Results chart

e) Obtaining test results on the phone


Results chart

Q5. Thinking of the last time you saw a doctor or nurse at the surgery how good were they at each of the following?

a) Giving you enough time


Results chart

b) Asking about your symptoms


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c) Listening


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d) Explaining tests and treatment


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e) Involving you in decisions about your care


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f) Treating you with care and concern


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Q6. If a GP referred you to hospital was the waiting time for your hospital appointment appropriate?


Results chart

If it wasn't appropriate, how long did you wait to be seen?

Q7.Were you aware that the practice has a qualified nurse who can prescribe medication for minor illnesses if required?


Results chart

Q8.How helpful do you find the receptionists?


Results chart

Q9.In the past 12 months have you used any of the health services below, instead of using similar services which may be available at the surgery? Tick all that apply


Q10. If you have a repeat prescription please comment on how satisfied you are with the service?


Results chart

If dissatisfied, what improvements could we make? Please note that we are only able to take requests for prescriptions in writing for safety purposes.

Q11. In general, how satisfied are you with the services provided the surgery?


Results chart

If dissatisfied, what services would you like to see?

Q12. We appreciate transport to and from the surgery is difficult for some patients, and parking is limited. However, please indicate by which means you attend for appointments?


Results chart

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey. The results will be collated and presented in the patient newsletter and on the practice website.