Patient Survey 2013
Last year we asked our patients to complete a survey in order for us to get an idea of what they think we are doing right and we was felt we could improve. As we had a very good response we would like to repeat the process to see if what we changed has helped you and get your views on other matters.
One of the major difficulties we found you had was access to doctors and phoning into the surgery. We have therefore upgraded our telephone system and changed how calls are now received. This change took place in October 2012; do you think it has improved telephone access to the surgery?
If no, what problems are you still having with the telephone system?
You also felt confused about our appointment system which is a daily combination of 'book on day', 'pre-bookable' and 'book on line' appointments. We have reviewed our current system following last year's survey but still consider this one works best and is fairest for our patients. However:
Did you know that our pre-bookable appointments can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance?
That by phoning our 24 hour automated service, you can book and check doctors' appointments and cancel both doctors' and nurses' appointments?
We sometimes find that our patients go to the hospitals' A&E departments when we are closed. However, if your medical condition is not an emergency, there are alternative clinics/services you can use. Do you know about the following:
Out of Hours Service - 0845 6001013 (providing advice and GP appointments).
NHS Direct - 0845 4647 (24 hour advice service)
Boscombe & Springbourne Centre - 01202 720174 (providing GP appointments at weekends)
We have also tried to improve communicating with and getting informtion to our patients. Do you find the following useful:
'The Village News' Newsletter
Information sheets from doctors/nurses
Info TV in the waiting room
Practice Booklet
We are very keen to contact patients and send them appropriate messages and reminders via text messaging. Would you be happy to be contacted in this way? (If yes, please call our reception team on 01202 525252 to give them your mobile number.)
Are there any additional services that you might like to have provided at the surgery, even if they might be from the private sector?
Chiropody (feet care)
More Phlebotomy appointments (blood tests).
Ophthalmology (eye testing)
In house pharmacy
Any other service
We are aware that a lot of people who care for relatives or friends with long term illnesses, disabilities, old age etc are not receiving the support they are entitled to as carers. Did you know that our receptionist, Carolynn, is our dedicated member of staff and she is very happy to help carers - and this includes husbands and wives - to receive extra support and possible benefits?
On a scale of 1-10, how do you generally rate the staff and services you receive at the Village Surgery? (1 being very poor, 10 being excellent.)
Is there anything else you can suggest that would improve the services we offer or what you think we are doing well?
Which category below includes your age?
Are you male or female?
Which is the ethnic background with which you identify?
Other ethnicity