Preventative Healthcare and Lifestyle Education

1. Are you are aware that the Surgery invites patients aged 40-74 years for a Health Check?


Results chart

2. If you answered Yes and elected not to take up the offer can you give the reasons why?


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3. As a member of the Hunts Care Partnership the Surgery is encouraged to promote various educational lifestyle topics. Currently this is promoting personal hydration to those over 70 as a means to reduce the number of elderly patient admissions (with dehydration as a contributing factor). What are your thoughts about this being a problem in the 21st century in a country where drinks are readily available?

4. Would you be able to help us understand the reasons why people could be restricting fluid intake by answering the following questions.Would you be able to tell us how much non-alcoholic drink you consume each day (on average)? Note: 1 glass = 200 ml

5. Do you have a diet which is high in fruit and vegetables?


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6. If after answering question 4 you now think that your fluid intake is quite low, why do you think this is? Tick as many as apply.


7. Would you recognise the symptoms of dehydration? Tick as many as apply.


8. Drinking enough is important for normal brain function, preventing infections and the formation of kidney stones. Older people are more at risk as one of the effects of ageing is reduced kidney function, which unfortunately can mean the body will not retain as much water as required, and restricting fluid intake does not solve this problem, only adds to the dehydration. With regards to family/friends, do you know of anyone who may be restricting their fluid intake in any way?


Results chart

9. If you have answered Yes to the previous question, have you tried to influence their decision or do you feel they would listen to a health professional?


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10. Thank you very much for answering questions in this survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated. Please could you indicate topic for next survey (majority decision will apply)?