Dear Member,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us all at Sutton Valence Surgery.

As you have agreed to being a part of our Patient Participation Group, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you for suggestions and ideas about the services we currently provide and how you see us developing in the future. This will help us formulate the contents of the patient survey, which we will undertake over the next few months.

Last year recommendations from the survey included a suggestion for a picture board to help identify staff. Another issue was the removal of noisy toys.

The New Year will see many changes within General Practice. Primary Care Trusts will cease to exist in March 2013 and will be replaced by local Clinical Commissioning Groups where GP's will have more say in the commissioning of services in the area.

There will be changes within the practice also as Dr Dawson will be joining Dr Hobday in partnership from April 2013. This is mainly an administrative change, as all doctors will continue working the same sessions.

I would be very grateful for your feedback and will consider any suggestions and/or comments for the upcoming patient survey.

Q1. Is there anything about the service we provide that you feel needs improvement.

Q2. Apart from quality clinical care what do you think is the MOST important issue for you as a patient (you may tick more than one box)


Q3. What is the LEAST important issue for you as a patient


Q4. Is there anything else that you would like to raise at this time?

I will be distributing a survery for the whole practice population early in the New Year based on these results.

Thank you for your time.