We would be grateful if you would complete this survey about your general practice. Your doctors want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.

Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers.

Thank you.

About Receptionists and Appointments

Q1 How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?


Results chart

Q2 How easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?


Results chart

Q3 How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone at your GP practice?


Results chart

Q4 If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day?


Results chart

Q5 How important is it to you to be able to book appointments ahead of time in your practice?


Results chart

Do you realise you can book 4 weeks in advance

Q6 How easy is it to book ahead in your practice?


Results chart

Q7 How do you normally book your appointments at your practice? Please tick all boxes that apply.


Q8 Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments at your practice? Please tick all boxes that apply.


Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor:

Q9 How quickly do you usually get seen?


Results chart

Q10 How do you rate this?


Results chart

Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor:

Q11 How quickly do you usually get seen?


Results chart

Q12 How do you rate this?


Results chart

Q13 When you telephone for an urgent appointment are you sataisfied with the way in which the nurse assesses your needs.


Results chart

Thinking of your most recent consultation with a doctor or nurse

Q14 How long did you wait for your consultation to start?


Results chart

Q15 How do you rate this?


Results chart

About opening times

Q16 Have you ever been unable to see a GP due to the opening times


Results chart

About seeing the doctor of your choice

Q17 Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?


Results chart

Q18 How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer?


Results chart

How good was the last GP you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a GP in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q25)

Q19 Giving you enough time


Results chart

Q20 Listening to you


Results chart

Q21 Explaining tests and treatments


Results chart

Q22 Involving you in decisions about your care


Results chart

Q23 Treating you with care and concern


Results chart

Q24 Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?


Results chart

If you know the name of the GP you last saw, please write it here:

How good was the last nurse you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a nurse in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q31)

Q25 Giving you enough time


Results chart

Q26 Listening to you


Results chart

Q27 Explaining tests and treatments


Results chart

Q28 Involving you in decisions about your care


Results chart

Q29 Treating you with care and concern


Results chart

Q30 Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?


Results chart

If you know the name of the nurse you last saw, please write it here:

About care from your doctors and nurses

Thinking about the care you get from your doctors and nurses overall, how well does the practice help you to:

Q31 Understand your health problems?


Results chart

Q32 Cope with your health problems


Results chart

Q33 Keep yourself healthy


Results chart

Q34 Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?


Results chart

Q35 Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?


Results chart

It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself

Q36 Are you?


Results chart

Q37 How old are you?


Results chart

Q38 Do you have a long-standing health condition?


Results chart

Q39 What is your ethnic group?


Results chart

Q40 Which of the following best describes you?


Results chart

Finally, please add any other comments you would like to make about your GP practice:

© 2011 GPAQ V3 including all individual questions is copyright University of Cambridge/University of Manchester