1. We hope to circulate a series of short surveys by email to help understand your views on the services we offer. How many questions do you think our surveys should contain?


Results chart

2. How often would you like to receiveour short surveys?


Results chart

3.To help us prioritise the areas reviewed please could you indicate from the following list your First Preference for a Patient Opinion Survey. (Please choose ONE option only)


Results chart

4. Please could you indicate which other areas you would like us to review. (Please choose as many options as apply)


5. Lastly did you know that we are noe offering a Free Flu Vaccination to patients aged 65 and over or patients with an "at risk" medical condition?


Results chart

If you are eligible and have not had your vaccination please contact the practice to arrange an appointment.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our Survey.

We hope that together we can work to improve the services offered to you by the practice.