Patients' Views of Mill Road and Cherry Hinton Surgeries
We are keen to improve the services we offer to our patients. This survey and your feedback will help identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are therefore very valuable.
Please answer all the questions that apply to you. There are no wrong or right answers.
This is a completely confidential questionnaire. It is impossible for us to identify individual patients.
Please return the completed questionnaire to reception.
Thank you for your time in completing this questionnaire.
Seeing a doctor at the Surgery - Seeing the doctor you prefer:
Q1. Is there a particular doctor you prefer to see at the Surgery?
Q2. How often do you see the doctor you prefer?
Clinical care - doctors:
Q3. The last time you saw a doctor at the surgery, did you have confidence and trust in the doctor you saw?
Q4. The last time you saw a doctor at the Surgery how good was the doctor at each of the following?
Giving you enough time:
Asking about your symptoms:
Explaining tests and treatments:
Involving you in decisions about your care:
Treating you with care and concern:
Taking your problems seriously:
Seeing a Practice Nurse at the Surgery:
Q5. How easy is it for you to get an appointment with a Practice Nurse at the Surgery?
Clinical care - nurses:
Q6. Last time you saw a Practice Nurse at the Surgery, how good did you find the Practice Nurse at each of the following?
Giving you enough time:
Asking about your symptoms:
Explaining tests and treatments:
Involving you in decisions about your care:
Treating you with care and concern:
Taking your problems seriously:
Arriving for your appointment - waiting time:
Q7. How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen?
Q8. How do you feel about how long you normally have to wait?
Opening times:
Q9. As far as you know, when does the Surgery open in the morning (Monday-Friday)?
Q10. As far as you know, when does the Surgery close in the evening (Monday-Friday)?
Q11. Did you know that the practice offers out of hours opening on Saturday morning at the Cherry Hinton branch Surgery?
Q12. How satisfied are you with the opening hours of the Surgery?
Q13. Would you use the Surgery if it was open at additional times?
Q14. When would you prefer to use it?
Q15. If you need to see a doctor at your GP surgery during your typical working hours, can you take time away from work to do this?
Q16. How do you normally book appointments to see a doctor or nurse at the Surgery? (Please tick all boxes that apply, and rank one as the method you use the most)
Q17. Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book an appointment at the Surgery? (Please tick all the boxes that apply, and rank one as the method you would most prefer)
Q18. In the past six months how easy have you found the following?
Getting through by phone:
Speaking to a doctor on the phone:
Speaking to a nurse on the phone:
Obtaining test results by phone:
Q19. In the past six months have you tried to see a doctor fairly quickly? (By fairly quickly we mean on the same day or in the next two week-days that the Surgery was open)
Q20. Think about the last time you tried to see a doctor fairly quickly. Were you able to see a doctor on the same day or in the next two week-days that the Surgery was open?
Q21. If you weren't able to be seen during the next 2 week-days that the Surgery was open, why was that? (Please tick all the circles that apply)
Q22. In the past six months, have you tried to book ahead for an appointment with a doctor? (By 'booking ahead' we mean booking an appointment more than two week-days in advance)
Q23. Last time you tried, were you able to get an appointment with a doctor more than two week-days in advance?
Reception and receptionists:
Q24. How helpful do you find the receptionists at the Surgery?
Q25. Do you have any comments about reception or receptionists?
Your overall satisfaction:
Q26. In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get at the Surgery?
Q27. Would you recommend the Surgery to somone who has just moved to your local area?
Q28. What other service(s) would you like the Surgery to provide?
Your feedback:
Q29. What is the most important thing you would most like to tell us about the Surgery and your experience of using it?
To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself - we will not use your answers to identify you:
Are you male or female?
What age are you?
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?