Dear Patient,

We have recently been asking patients for their comments and suggestions of ways to improve the practice. We would be grateful if you would take a few minutes of your time to complete a survey based on those comments.

Please answer the questions below by putting an x in ONE BOX for each question unless more than one answer is allowed. The survey can also be completed on line at http://www.friarysurgery.co.uk/ if you prefer.


Q1. When did you last see or speak to a doctor at the GP surgery?


Results chart

Q2. When did you last see or speak to a nurse at the GP surgery?


Results chart

Q3. How easy is it to get through to someone at your GP surgery on the telephone?


Results chart

Q4. How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP surgery?


Results chart

Q5. Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?


Results chart

Q6. How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer?


Results chart

Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor:

Q7. How quickly do you usually get seen?


Results chart

Q8. How do you rate this?


Results chart

Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor:

Q9. How quickly do you usually get seen?


Results chart

Q10. How do you rate this?


Results chart

Q11. If you need to see a GP urgently can you normally get an appointment for the same day?


Results chart

Q12. How do you rate this?


Results chart

Q13 How convenient was the appointment you were able to get?


Results chart

Q14. Overall how would you describe your experience of making an appointment?


Results chart

Q15. Looking at improving communication between the practice and its patients, how likely are you to respond to?

A text message being sent to you


Results chart

Information being put on the website


Results chart

Information being left in the surgery


Results chart

Q16. How would you like to hear about practice developments? (You can choose more than one)


Results chart

Opening Hours

Q17. How satisfied are you with the opening hours at the surgery?


Results chart

Your Overall Satisfaction

Q18. In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get at the Surgery?


Results chart

Q19. Would you recommend the Surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?


Results chart

Some Questions About You

The following questions will help us to see how experiences vary between different groups of the population. We will keep your answers completely confidential.

Q20. Are you male or female?


Results chart

Q21. How old are you?


Results chart

Q22. Which of these best describes what you are doing at present? If more than one of these applies, please select the main one ONLY


Results chart

Q23. Do you have carer responsibilities for anyone in your household with a longstanding health problem or disability?


Results chart

Q24. What is your ethnic group?(Choose one section from A to E below, then select the appropriate option to indicate your ethnic group)

A. White


Results chart

B. Mixed


Results chart

C. Asian or Asia British


D. Black or Black British


E. Chinese or other ethnic group


Q25. Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?


Results chart

Q26. Which of the following best describes your religion?


Results chart

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this