1. Think about the last time you tried to see a doctor. Were you able to see a doctor when you wanted to?


Results chart

2. How easy was it to get an appointment at the time you wanted?


Results chart

3. Think about the last time you needed to see a doctor urgently. Where you able to get an appointment on the same day?


Results chart

4. Think about the last time you were able to see a nurse. Were you able to see a nurse when you wanted to?


Results chart


1. How satisfied are you with the opening hours of the surgery? Chessington Park Surgery provides extended opening hours on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. On every other Saturday we are open 8.30-10.30am.

For more information on opening hours please see our website - www.chessingtonparksurgery.co.uk


Results chart

2. If Your problem was not urgent were you offered a 'book ahead' appointment?


Results chart

3. Was the date offered satisfactory?


Results chart


1. Did you know that you can book a telephone consultation with a GP of your choice whenever they are working in the practice?


Results chart

2. Have you ever had a telephone consultation with a member of the clinical team?


Results chart

3. Was the GP able to deal with your problem by phone?


Results chart

4. Would you consider making an appointment for a telephone consultation in the future?


Results chart


1. Which of the following do you use to find out information about the practice? Please tick all that apply


2. If you have used the practice website www.chessingtonparksurgery.co.uk" how helpful is the information on the website?


Results chart

3. Is there any way in which the website could be improved?

4. Are there any services offered by the practice that you think are particularly good?

5. Are there any other services or facilities you would like the practice to provide?

6. If you need to order a repeat medication, which of the following do you typically use? Please tick the most commonly used method only


Results chart

7. If the practice wanted to keep you updated about news and changes to services, which of the following would you find most useful way of communication news to you?


Results chart

8. How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?


Results chart


1. In general, how satisfied are you with the care you get at the surgery?


Results chart

2. Would you recommend the Surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?


Results chart

3. What do you feel is particularly good about the care at this practice?

4. Do you feel that there is any aspect of care that could be improved?

5. In the last 12 months have you been referred by one of the doctors to see someone outside of the practice either in a hospital or community setting?


Results chart

6. If you were referred to someone outside the practice how satisfied were you with KCAS 'Choose and Book' referral system used to book your appointment?


Results chart

7. In the last 12 months have you used any of the health services below instead of using similar services that might be available at your surgery? (Please tick all that apply)



Are you male of female?


Results chart

How Old are you?


Results chart

Which of these best describes what you are doing at present? tick on ONLY


Results chart

What is your ethnic group? (Choose from one section from A to E below, then select the appropriate option to indicate your ethnic group)

A. White


Results chart

B. Mixed


C. Asian or Asia British


Results chart

D. Black or Black British


E. Chinese or other ethnic group
