NMP Practice Based Commissioning Physiotherapy / Acupuncture Clinic

Patient Satisfaction Survey

You have recently attended the Physiotherapy Clinic and received Physiotherapy treatment. We aim to work to the highest professional standards; to help us deliver this level of care we would be grateful if you would complete the following questionnaire.

All completed questionnaires will be treated confidentially.

Please rate your response to each statement by selecting an answer based on the following scale:

1 - Poor, 2 - Fair, 3 - Good, 4 - Very Good / Excellent

1. Interval between seeing your GP and seeing the physiotherapist


2. Satisfaction with day and time of your physiotherapy appointment


3. The physiotherapist treated you with courtesy and respect


4. The physiotherapist explained the nature of your planned treatment


5. Felt able to ask questions and discuss treatment freely with the therapist


6. Felt the physiotherapist had sufficient time to understand and manage the condition


7. Upon discharge felt confident to continue / progress your treatment plan


8. Overall satisfaction with the physiotherapy service


9. How did you travel to your appointment (please select one answer)


10. Was local access to the surgery satisfactory?


Please add any additional comments below;

Thank you for taking the time to complete the form.

Name (Optional)

DOB (Optional)