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Patient Participation Group Survey

Dear Patient,

During 2015-2016 NHS England has set a requirement for every GP Practice to have an active Patient Participation Group (PPG). The purpose of the PPG is to ensure that patients and carers are involved in decisions about the range, shape and quality of services provided by their practice. The requirement aims to promote the proactive and innovative involvement of patients and carers through the use of effective PPGs and to act on a range of sources of patient and carer feedback in order to improve the services delivered by the practice.

The role of the PPG includes:

  • Being a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
  • Assisting the practice in carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice
  • Helping to organise health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • Ongoing communication with the patient population.

Currently we only have a virtual patient group who have agreed to provide feedback by email only and not meet face to face. Now NHS England want patients to engage more with their GP Practices and meet face to face in order to provide feedback on the patient perspective and ongoing communication with the patient population.

In order for us to get an idea of your views and enthusiasm to connect in a different way with us we ask if you could complete the attached survey and return it to us with any additional comments you may have regarding the patient group by the 31st December 2015.

Thank you

Q1.Are you currently a member of our virtual PPG?


Q2. Would you consider joining our PPG?


Q3. Would you be happy to attend a regular meeting of the group?


Q4. How often would you recommend a meeting to be held?


Q5. What time of day would be most convenient for you to attend most of the time?


Q6.What level of involvement would you be willing to have?


Q7. These meetings would consist of a number of things such as: patient feedback, discussion of complaints/suggestions, the results of our ongoing friends and family survey and proposed changes to your services. Do you have any suggestions of what else you would wish to discuss?

Q8. Could you state why you would not consider joining our PPG?

Q9. If you would like to join our PPG please complete your details below (Name, DOB and Email) If you do not have access to the internet but still wish to join our PPG you can still do this by putting your name and home address instead.

To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself :

Are you male of female?


What age group are you?


What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


Many thanks for your time in answering all of the questions on this survey, we greatly appreciate any suggestions or feedback you give.

This survey is now closed