This survey is now closed

Welcome to the North Swindon Practice

Friends and Family Test


We would like you to think about your recent experience of our service. How likely are you to recommend our GP Practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment? Please tick whichever one of the following applies:


QUESTION 2 (Please do not include personal information in your response)

50-60% of our Friends and Family feedback is either asking us to provide more appointments or offer more evening and weekend appointments. Increasing weekend and evening appointments will reduce weekday and early morning appointment availability because the GPs who would be providing these appointments are the same GPs who would otherwise be providing weekday appointments. The shortage of GP appointments is a national problem and moving appointments from weekdays to weekends would simply be shifting the problem. It would also have a negative impact on our ability to communicate and work effectively as a team.

GP surgeries in Swindon are under-staffed and under-funded and if you feel strongly about this why not contact your MP and ask that the Government finds realistic solutions to a growing, national problem ?

We would welcome any other comments, whether positive or negative, with regard to the services we offer

Feedback on responses to these questions will be found on our website: approximately one month after the survey closes at month end


A little bit about you:

Are you


What age are you?


Do you consider yourself to have a disability?



Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?



Asian or Asian British




Black or Black British




Are you?


Thank you for completing the questionnaire and providing us with feedback to improve our services. Feedback on responses will be shown on this website approximately one month after the survey closes`

(For office use only) - DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SECTION


This survey is now closed