Cavendish Health Centre Patient Survery 2014-15

The Practice and our Patient Participation Group (PPG) run an annual patient survey to seek patients’ views on where the Practice needs to improve in order to prioritise their future activities.

Your views and suggestions will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise. The PPG will review this information and identify key areas of concern for further discussion with the practice.


Last year we asked for your views on our services and the results indicated that out of 26 patients that completed the survey:

88% were ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Very Satisfied’ with the range of services offered by Cavendish Health Centre

Only 38% were aware of ALL of the services we provide in-house and local NHS services that patients can access when we are closed

This year we hope to increase awareness of the services available at the Practice and locally so you know where to go when you need advice or treatment.

If you would like to join the Patient Participation Group (PPG) please enter your name and contact details below:

If you do not want to attend the PPG meetings but would like to receive information from the PPG or the Practice please enter your name and email address here:

What is your current age?

Are you male or female?


What is your ethnic origin? Please choose one option.


Are you satisfied with the range of services offered by Cavendish Health Centre?


Looking at the list of services below, are you aware of all the services we provide in house and local NHS services you can access?


Please indicate the services at Cavendish Health Centre you are aware of:


Services available to you when we are closed:



In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.


Are there any aspects of your clinical care that you would like us to raise with the funders i.e. Central London Clinical Commissioning Group? Do you have any suggestions for change?

Do you have any general comments for us?