Practice Communicator

The Practice is exploring the possibility of providing a “practice communicator” to patients.

The communicator would be a free app that sits on patients’ smartphones, laptops or desktops.

The content would be similar to what is provided on our website, however when a new item is added, a notification or message on your desktop or mobile device, would flash up highlighting the new item.

We feel this would be a good way of reaching out to you with any new updates and would help reduce the chances of patients missing out on important information.

Some of the things it is able to do is highlight when flu jab season opens, provide information on any new services and notify you of any newsletters. You could also choose what you are interested in, so for example, if you suffer with asthma, you could subscribe to any updates regarding our asthma services.

Do you feel this is a service you would use if the Practice was to provide it?