This survey is now closed

Carterknowle & Dore Patient Survey Autumn 2014

In line with requirements and the end of our current telephone contract, the practice is planning changes to the telephone system. We will be returning to a land line (0114) number charges at a local rate and will be having just one telephone number for the practice. All the triage of calls will be managed from one surgery. This will enable us to provide more clinical input into the triage system and to manage our staffing levels more efficiently. We will retain the telephone prescription ordering service; again this will be one telephone number.

Q1: How satisfied have you been with the current telephone system?


Q2: If you are not satisfied with the current system please help us understand why-


Q3: The practice will have up to 10 incoming telephone lines and the proposed divert options are as follows. Please tick those you wish to be able to select-


Q4: What methods do you currently use to order your repeat prescriptions?


Q5: If you do not use the online system would you mind telling us why?


Q6: Because the triage system for same day appointments and the need for confidentiality, we would encourage patients to phone for these appointments (not call into the practice in person). Do you come in person to arrange a same day appointment?


Q7: If the answer to Q6 was yes- please help us by saying why?


Q8: Have you had a telephone consultation with a GP recently?


Q9: If you said yes to Q8- please let us know how you feel about this.


Q10: Have you had a consultation with one of our Nurse Practitioners recently?


Q11: If you said yes to Q10 - please let us know how you felt about this-


Thank you for completing this survey

This survey is now closed