This survey is now closed

Out of Hours Services 2014

Marylebone Health Centre Patient Satisfaction Survey

When we are closed we transfer all our calls to an Out of Hours provider which deals with urgent matters which cannot wait until we reopen. If you have used the out of hours GP service since April 2014, we like to hear about your experience of using this service. We will use the results to work with the OOH's provider to improve the service they provide for our patients.

Please tick the appropriate answer and return the survey to the practice manager at Marylebone unless you are filling it in online.

1. Have you ever called the surgery when we are closed?


2. Were you aware of the Out of Hours service and how it operates?


3. When the surgery is closed your call should be transferred to an Out of Hours call handler. Was this the case?


Other (Please specify)

4. When the call handler answered your call did they identify themselves?


5. Were you satisfied with the way you were questioned by the call handler?


Other (please specify)

6. Did you feel they gave you appropriate advice?


Other (please specify)

7. Did you see/speak to a Doctor or paramedic?


Other (please specify)

8. Did you feel that the advice and any treatment you were given was helpful and was the problem resolved?


Other (please specify)

9. Would you use this service again?


If NO what are your reasons?

10. Would you use this service before going to A&E for a non emergency when the practice is closed?


10. Feel free to leave further comments below

Thank you for completing this survey. The responses will be collated and shared with patients by displays in our waiting room, at PPG meetings, in the new Update Newsletter and on our website from 30th September 2014

This survey is now closed