This survey is now closed

Patient Survey March 2014

1. In the past 12 months how many times have you seen one of our doctors or nurses?


2. How do you rate the way you were treated by our receptionists?


3. How do you rate the hours that we are open for appointments?


4. What additional hours would you like the Practice to be open? (Select all that apply)


5. How do you rate the ability to get through to us on the telephone?


6. When you have telephoned us, how do you rate the helpfulness of the receptionist?


7. Our telephone switchboard is closes over lunchtimes.

How likely are you to want to telephone us between 12:30 and 1:30pm?


8. Thinking about the times when you want to see a particular doctor,

How quickly do you usually get to see that doctor?


How do you rate your ability to get to see a particular doctor?


9. Thinking about the times when you are willing to see any doctor,

How quickly do you usually get seen?


How do you rate this service?


10. Thinking about the times when a doctor is not available as quickly as you wanted.

Were you offered a Same Day telephone call?


11. Thinking about the times when you have been offered our Same Day service.

How do you rate this service?


12. When you come for your appointment,

How long do you usually have to wait in the Waiting Room for your consultation?


How do you rate the length of time you have to wait?


13. How do you rate our text message reminder service?


14. Thinking about our new Practice website

How do you rate the website?

Which present or additional features would you like the website to offer? (Select all that apply)

What other online services would you like us to offer?

15. When you submit a Repeat Prescription request, we aim to make your prescription available within 2 working days of receipt.

How do you rate this service?


16. We play radio broadcasts in the Waiting Room to improve the confidentiality of discussions at the Reception Desk and over the telephone. However we are aware that some patients would prefer to sit in peace and quiet.

Do you like to listen to the radio whilst waiting for your appointment?


17. We are a 4YP (for young people) Practice and offer both an appointment and walk-in service for younger patients.

How do you rate this service?


18. We are considering working more closely with other local GP Practices to share best practice and perhaps to introduce some shared services.

Do agree that Malago Surgery should share ideas with other local Practices to improve the standard of healthcare for patients?


If you suffer from a long term illness, would you be willing to attend a specialist run clinic in another location in Bedminster?


19. All things considered, how satisfied are you with Malago Surgery?


Finally, it will help us to understand your answers if you tell us a little about yourself

20. Are you


21. How old are you?


22. Do you have a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? By long-standing we mean anything that has troubled you over an extended period of time or that is likely to affect you over and extended period of time.


23. To which ethnic group do you belong?


24. Is there anything you consider to particularly good about the way Malago Surgery cares for your health?

25. Is there anything you think could be improved?

26. We are interested in any other comments you may have.

This survey is now closed