Survey 2014

Are you?


Your age?


Are you?


Do you have any special needs that it may be important for us to know about?

Parking near the surgery is safe and easy


Reception staff are polite and helpful


The waiting areas are clean and pleasant


The toilets are clean?


The phone is ansered by reception staff promptly?


I can usually arrange an appointment for a time to suit me?


Opening hours are about right?


I can usually be seen on the same day for an urgent appointment


I can usually see a particular doctor I choose?


I can usually choose to see a female/male doctor if I request this


I am usually seen within ten minutes of my appointment time?


I can usually get an appointment to see a nurse at a time that suits me?


I am usually treated by all staff at Greenridge Surgery politely and with respect


Reception staff ensure my privacy is respected


Reception staff treat me with respect


My doctor treats me with respect


My doctor listens to me


My doctor explains things to me in a way that I understand


I feel my doctor treats my worries seriously


My nurse treats with with respect


My nurse tells me what she will do and why