Emmer Green Surgery Patient Survey 2014

Dear Patient

We would be grateful if you would take the time to complete our in-house patient survey. This is an ideal way to help us understand how we can improve upon the service we provide for you. The topics covered in this survey have been discussed and agreed with our patient reference group, if you are interested in joining the group please ask at reception for details.

Many thanks for your contribution

1 a) How easy do you usually find it to get through to someone at the practice on the telephone?


1b) How quickly has your call been answered?


Results chart

1c) Would a telephone system telling you where in the queue you were be better than getting an engaged tone when it is busy?



2a) Do you believe there is a confidentiality issue at the front reception desk?



2b) We made some changes to the layout of the front reception desk some months ago (moved the check-in screen and put a board up between the front desk and the waiting area), do you feel this has helped to protect confidentiality at the front desk?



3 Are you aware that the practice has a Patient Participation Group? (You can either get involved in the regular meetings or via the email group, if you would like more information on how to get involved in the group, pls see our website www.emmergreensurgery.co.uk)


Results chart

4a) Are you aware of NHS 111 and what it is for?


Results chart

4b) If you have experience of using NHS 111, how many times have you used it? (please enter number)

5 Please let us know how satisfied you are with the following:

Medical Care (doctors and nurses)



Access to emergency appointments



Access to routine appointments






Access into and around the building



How helpful do you find our Reception staff?



If you have used NHS 111, how satisfied were you with it?



6 Overall how would you describe your experience of the surgery?


Results chart

Please tell us something we do well…

Please tell us something we could do better…

It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself, please indicate which of the following apply to you?

Are you...


Results chart

How old are you?


Results chart

Are you...


Any other

Which of the following best describes you? (please tick as many as apply)


Thankyou for taking the time to complete this survey