2014 PPG Patient Experience & Communication

The Practice has carried out patient surveys, with the help of our Patient Participation Group, throughout 2013 to gain insight into patient opinion of access/care/prescriptions process. As a result we are now in the process of making necessary changes to improve the service we provide.

· We have introduced a new appointment system called Dr First which enables patients to have contact with the person most qualified to assess their needs and arrange face to face contact as necessary.

· We have also changed the way our prescription team work to provide a more efficient service to our patients.

This survey is focusing on “Improving Communication” and “Improving Patient Experience” as per the terms of reference that the Patient Participation Group works towards. Please refer to our PPG page on the surgery website for more details www.stocktonheathmedicalcentre.co.uk

1.If you were unhappy with the service provided either clinically or administrative, would you know how to make a complaint to the Practice?


Results chart

2.Would you feel confident that any concerns raised would be dealt with effectively?


Results chart

3.Are you aware that you can give the Practice "feedback" or "raise a concern" via our website www.stocktonheathmedicalcentre.co.uk or via email WARCCG.StocktonHeathMC@nhs.met


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4.Do you feel confident that the Practice listens to and acts upon any comments put forward via the website?


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5.Are you aware that the Practice website has information about any changes taking place within the surgery/health information and advice/links to community groups?


6.What format do you prefer to use to find out about any changes taking place?


7.How important is it for you to be able to talk privately toa receptionist?


Results chart

8.The Practice has a small room that the Receptionist can use to enable you to have additional privacy. How long would you be willing to wait so that you could talk privately to the receptionist


Results chart

9.If our Patient Participation Group was to hold "forums" to gather patient opinions, would you attend?


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10.We are intending to re-launch our "virtual" Patient Reference Group (an on-line group which would receive questionnaires to help us gather patient opinion on various matters). Would you be interested in joining to help us gain further insight into patient needs?


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