Botley Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group 2014 Survey

1. Enviornment

How do you find the parking arrangements at the medical centre?


Results chart

Tell us what you think of the reception area


Results chart

What would you like to see differently? Please leave a comment below.

How do you find the waiting room enviornment?


Results chart

How do you feel it could be improved? Please leave a comment below

Do you feel more information should be available in the waiting room?


Results chart

If yes, what sort of information would you find helpful?

2. Appointments and Opening Times

How do you find getting through to the surgery in order to make an appointment?


Results chart

How do you find making an appointment at a time that is convenient to you?


Results chart

Emergency appointments are available with the duty doctor on a daily basis. This involves a telephone triage process with the doctor on call to establish whether an appointment is necessary. If you have had to request such an appointment, how did you find the process and the outcome?


Results chart

'Routine' appointments are released every day for the next 48hr period, how has this worked for you?


Results chart

How have you found making an appointment with the doctor of your choosing?


Results chart

If an online appointment booking system were available would you use it?


Results chart

At your last visit to the doctor, were you seen:


Results chart

3. Doctors and Consultations

During 2013 several staff changes have taken place and new doctors have joined the practice. How well do you feel you know which doctors now work at the practice?


Results chart

At the end of your last consulation how confident did you feel that the doctor had understood your problems?


Results chart

Were you clear about the outcome of your last consultation and the next steps to take?


Results chart

4. Nurses

If you have seen a nurse or phlebotomist in the last six months, how satisfied were you with the appointment and outcome?


Results chart


Have you been referred by the doctor for specialist treatment in hte last six months? If so, and there was a need for subsequent follow up by the GP, were you happy with the way this was handled?


Results chart

If unsatisfied, please specify below

6. Patient Handling by Reception Staff

When you last telephoned the practice how quickly was the phone answered?


Results chart

When you spoke to reception staff on the phone did you feel you were handled with courtesy, professionalism and understanding?


Results chart

The last time you visited the practice and spoke to reception staff on arrival did you feel that you were handled with courtesy, professionalism and understanding?


Results chart

If you were promised a call back from reception staff did it happen in an acceptable timescale?


Results chart

7.Repeat Prescriptions

Are you taking repeat medication?


Results chart

How do you order your prescriptions?


Results chart

Are you satisfied with the speed of prescription sign off?


Results chart


Do you have a computer?


Results chart

How often do you use it for ordering products and services (e.g. clothes, train tickets, theatre tickets)


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Are you aware of the practice website?


Results chart

Would you find it helpful to be able to use the practice website for more things?


Results chart

If yes, what sort of things would you like to be able to use it for?

9. Patient Participation Group

Are you aware that there is a patient participation group?


Results chart

Would you like to be more closely involved with the PPG? (If yes, please email us at ppgbotleymedicalcentre@hotmail.co.uk or drop a note into the practice marked for the attention of the PPG


Results chart

10. Overall

How well do you feel that the practice performs in the management of your care?


Results chart

If you have a complaint or suggestion do you know who to contact at the practice?


Results chart

Please suggest any improvements you would like to see below.