Dear Patient,

As a member of East Finchley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group, we would like you to take this survey to help our practice to facilitate improvements in the electronic interacting of registered patients with GP services (Patient Online Access).

The aim of this service in 2013/14 is to establish Patient Online Access to GP practice information systems as follows:

  1. a) enabling and utilising electronic communications for booking (and cancelling) of appointments;
  2. b) enabling and utilising electronic communications for repeat prescriptions; and
  3. c) registering patients (issuing passwords and using verification practices) to enable patient online access.

The NHS Commissioning Board intends to develop and adapt this enhanced service in 2014/15 to take into account the Government's commitment for implementing secure online communication and viewing medical records (including test results and clinical letters).

The intended benefits for patients will be greater convenience, safety, efficiency and capacity for self-care.

Please answer all the questions and click SEND when you are done.

Q1. How important is it to you that you are able to book appointments online?


Results chart

Q2. How important is it to you that you are able to request your repeat prescription online?


Results chart

Q3. How important is it to you that you are able to get online access your personal health records held by your GP?


Results chart

Q4. What other online service(s) do you think would be beneficial to you as a patient?

Q5. If you are already using our Online Repeat Prescription Service, do you find it easy to use?


Results chart

Q6. If you are using our Online Repeat Prescription Service, how do you think we could improve it?

Q6. To what purpose would you envisage using the Online Access to your personal health records held by your GP?

Q7. Are you worried about security issues with regards to using Patient Online Access?


Results chart

Q8. If yes, why?

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.