This survey is now closed

Patient Satisfaction Survey 2013

Making Appointments

In the last 6 months, how easy have you found it getting through on the phone?


How easy was it to get an appointment for the time you wanted?


Where you able to see the GP that you wanted to see?


How easy was it to get an appointment with the GP you wanted to see?


How important is it to you to see a specific GP when coming to this practice?


How well do you know which days of the week your GP is available?


Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments at your practice? (please mark all that apply)


Patient experience of surgery

How easy do you find getting in to the building at the surgery?


How clean is the GP surgery?


In the Reception Area, can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionist?


How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?


How long after your appointment time do you normally wait to be seen?


How do you feel about how long you normally have to wait?


Opening Times

How satisfied are you with the opening hours at the surgery?


As far as you know the surgery is open.......(please mark all that apply)


Would you like the surgery open at additional times?



Overall, how satisfied are you with the surgery?


What do you like best about the surgery?

If you could change one thing, what would it be?

This survey is now closed