Patient Opinion Questionnaire 2013-2014

Are you male or female?


Your age


Please think about the times you have phoned your GP surgery in the past 6 months - how easy have you found the following?Getting through on the phone


Please think about the times you have phoned your GP surgery in the past 6 months - how easy have you found the following?Speaking to a doctor on the phone


Please think about the times you have phoned your GP surgery in the past 6 months - how easy have you found the following?Speaking to a nurse on the phone


Please think about the times you have phoned your GP surgery in the past 6 months - how easy have you found the following?Getting test results on the phone


In the last six months have you been satisfied with the serice you received from the receptionist?


How satisfied are you with the service you received from the doctor/ nurse today?


In the last 6 months have you tried to see a doctor on the same day or in the next 2 working days the GP surgery was open?


If you couldn't be seen within the next 2 working days, why was that (tick all that apply)


Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?


Any further comments or suggestions?

The practice has a website at - if you have used the website did you find it useful?


Do you use the website to order your prescriptions?


Please provide any comments about the website here