This survey is now closed

Patient Survey Autumn 2013

This practice has a Patient Participation Group – a small group of patients whom we hope can give us the "patient’s-eye view" of how we do things at Wellspring. Each year, the group organize a survey to ask what you think about particular topics.

This year the group felt we should ask some general questions about "how are we doing?" We would be very grateful if you would take the time to answer the following questions

In general, what do you think are our strong points as a practice?

What do you think we could do better?

Thinking about repeat prescriptions (if you use that service). Did you know that we have a dedicated prescription line? 216 4924


Did you know you can leave your prescription request slip in a secure box by the front door?


Did you know you can request them online? (You need to register at reception for a username and password to do this, to keep your information secure)


Did you know that if your medicines don't alter, you can register for repeat dispensing (just one prescription per year)?


How well do you think we communicate with patients (as a practice, rather than as individual GPs)


What kind of information would you like us to provide (would you read?...)


What would you be keen for us to tell you about?

If there was one thing you wanted us to work on, what would it be?

Thank you for taking the time to answer our survey.

This survey is now closed