Autumn 2013 Patient Survey

It has been brought to our attention that there may be increasing demand placed on the regular 10 minute consultation, which in part could come from patients bringing multiple problems that are often unrelated. It is possible that dealing with all of them in one appointment results in the doctor running late leaving other patients waiting much longer. We would like to seek your views and priorities.

1. Please tick the statements below that you agree with. (Please tick as many as apply).


2. Bearing in mind that offering longer appointments would lead to an inevitable reduction in number of appointments available, which one of the following do you value the most? (Please tick only one statement).


Results chart

3. How long are you prepared to wait for your doctor/nurse (after your scheduled appointment time) without feeling frustrated? (Please tick only one answer).


Results chart

4. Would you like to be able to access the surgery on-line?


Results chart

5. If yes, which of these services would you use (tick as many as apply):


6. Have you used the new reception booking-in screen?


Results chart

7. If yes, was the system user-friendly?


Results chart

8. Did you complete the 2012 survey?


Results chart

9. Did you see the results of the 2012 survey?


Results chart

10. If yes, were you satisfied with the results?


Results chart

Any other comments about what we do well/could improve:

If you are happy for us to keep in touch with you online with newsletter and surveys etc, please email the PPG at ppg.boroughgreenmedicalpractice@nhs.net or collect a form from reception. Thank you.