This survey is now closed

Many thanks for agreeing to take part in this survey. We want to make visits to the surgery a better experience for you.

Q1. During the last year there have been a number of changes at the surgeries. Which of these changes have been of benefit to you? (Tick all that apply)


Q2. Which of the following suggested changes do you think will be of benefit to you?(Tick all that apply)


Q2.b Do you have any other suggestions for improvements at the practice?

Q3. What other services would most benefit you if based at the surgery?(Tick all that apply)


Q3.b Please let us know what other services you would like based in the surgery

Q4. Where do you prefer to access health information?(Tick all that apply)


Q5. Other than face-to-face meetings, what type of communication to/from the surgery suits you?(Tick all that apply)


Q6. Do you feel your GP spends enough time explaining symptoms/treatment with you?


Q7. Do you find the receptionists at your GP practice helpful?


Q8. Do you have any comments regarding your care at Whitehill and Fairford Leys surgeries?

Thank you for completing this survey. Your opinion is important to us.

To check we hear views of all groups of people visiting the surgery, please tell us about yourself:

Are you male or female?


What age are you?


What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


How would you describe how often you come to the surgery?


This survey is now closed