Dear Patient,

Many thanks for agreeing to take this short survey to help our practice understand how the surgery can be improved.

Please answer all of the questions and click 'Send Survey' when you are done.

Q1a. We offer daily triage and the facility to have a telephone consultation instead of a face-to-face one. Have you ever used this service?


Results chart

Q1b. If you have used the service were you happy with it?


Results chart

Q1c. Does the daily traige service / telephone consultation service offer you a more convenient way to consult with the doctor instead of coming in for a face-to-face appointment?


Results chart

Q2. How do you prefer to book your appointments? (tick all that apply)


Q3. Are you aware that you are able to book appointments online (even when the surgery is closed)?


Results chart

Q4. Are you aware that the practice operates a Did Not Attend policy for patients who fail to turn up for appointments without cancelling them beforehand?


Results chart

Q5. Did you know that you may not be seen if you arrive late for your appointment?


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Q6. How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery?


Results chart

Q7. Do you feel you get a prompt service when you come to the reception window?


Results chart

Q8. Are you aware that repeat prescriptions can be ordered in person, online (via EMIS Access), by fax, by post and over the phone? (please tick all that you are aware of)


Q9. How clean and tidy is the surgery?


Results chart

Q10. Overall, how would you describe the surgery?


Results chart

Do you have any comments or suggestions that could help to improve the service we offer?

To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:

Are you male or female?


Results chart

What age are you?


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What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


Results chart

Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.