We are keen to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgeries and staff. We will be grateful if you will complete this short survey form.

There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will not be able to identify you.

To be completed ONLY if you have seen a doctor or nurse at the practice during the last 12 months.

Please select the appropriate box for each answer where 1 is the lowest and 4 is the highest level.

Access To Services

1. Generally, how helpful are the receptionists?


Results chart

2. Can you book an appointment easily?

a) By telephoning or visiting reception


Results chart

b) By the automated telephone service (24 hrs)


Results chart

c) On line (www.thealemedicalcentre.com)


Results chart

3. How easy is it for you to get advice from a doctor or nurse on the telephone?


Results chart

4. If you need to see a GP or nurse urgently, can you get to be seen on the same day?


Results chart

5. How do you prefer to book an appointment?


Results chart

6. Was your appointment with a doctor long enough?


Results chart

7. Was your appointment with a nurse long enough?


Results chart

8. On average, how often do you need medical advice or treatment in a year, involving a visit to (insert a number):

a) Theale Medical Centre?

b) Calcot?

9. Which of the following ADDITIONAL opening times would make it easier for you to see or speak to someone?


Thank you for your help.