Booking an Appointment

Generally, how would you describe your experience of making appointments at your GP surgery?


Results chart

Are there any times when it is difficult to get through to your surgery on the telephone?


Results chart

If yes, which days and times do you have the most difficulty?




How often can you book a 'same day' appointment at your surgery?


Results chart

How often can you book an appointment that fits around other commitments you have (eg. work, family, caring responsibilities) within 3 days?


Results chart

Think about the last time you wanted to see or speak to a doctor or nurse from your GP surgery.

When did you want to see or speak to them?


Results chart

Were you able to get an appointment to see or speak to someone?


Results chart

How long after initially contacting the surgery did you actually see or speak to someone?


Results chart

Now think about all the appointments you have had at your surgery.

When you have an appointment booked, how often are you seen within 10 minutes of the time you were given?


Results chart

Usually, how convenient are the appointments you are able to get?


Results chart

If your appointments are either not very convenient or not at all convenient, why is that?


Results chart

If you have ever booked an appointment and then not attended that appointment 'without cancelling first' why was that?


Results chart

Other please state below

Please tell us any suggestions you have that would make it easier to cancel appointments you no longer need.


Home Visits Have you ever needed to request a home visit from a GP?


Results chart

If yes, how long did it take between the initial phone call request and the actual visit?


Results chart

About You

NHS Bath and North East Somerset is committed to providing equal access to health care services for all members of the community. To help us achieve this, we would like to ask you to complete the following questions. Any information you provide will remain anonymous.



Results chart

Age Band


Results chart

What is your ethnic group


Results chart



Results chart

Other white background



Other mixed background

Asian/Asian British


Other Asian background



Other black background



Any other ethnic group

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?


Results chart

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?


Results chart