1. The Three Spires Medical Practice is piloting a consultation facility within the Sainsbury store in Truro for three months. we would like to know if you feel this is a useful alternative venue to see your GP.


Results chart

If you are using the Sainsbury's clinic or have used the facility in the past, please answer the following questions, otherwise go to Question 5.

2. Do you find Sainsbury's a convenient venue to see your GP?


Results chart

3. What facilities are appealing? (Please tick all that apply)


4. Is there anything about this facility which could be improved?

5. Would you like to see this pilot extended beyond the initial three months?


Results chart

6. Are you satisfied with the location of the consulting room?


Results chart

7. Would you use this facility again?


Results chart

The following information is optional:-



Results chart



Ethnic Background:





Asian or Asian British:


Black or Black British:


Chinese or Other:
