Patient Survey 2012

Thankyou for participating in the Andover Health Centre Patient Survey for 2012. We really appreciate your time in completing the survey as it really helps us to understand where we are succeeding and highlight areas where we can improve.

Overall, how satisfied are you with the the Practice?


Results chart

What do you think the Practice does well?

Is there anything that could be improved?

How could this be achieved?

It would be very helpful for us - and ensure that this survey is representative our our Practice population - if you could tell us a few things about yourself. Please be re-assured that this information remains totally confidential and will be retained or used by us for any other reasons other than for this survey.

Are you male or female?


Results chart

What age are you?


Results chart

What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?


Results chart

How would you describe how often you come to the practice?


Results chart

Many thanks for your time in answering these questions. We look forward to publishing the results in early 2013.